I'm Kristina, the mom and CEO here at My Mini Chefs, where culinary wisdom has been passed down through generations of mothers and grandmothers in my family. I've honed my skills as a home chef in crafting enjoyable and family-friendly dishes through many years of dealing with fussy eaters who sometimes need a lot of convincing! I've catered to both discerning and adventurous young palates, and have finally mastered the art of winning over even the pickiest of eaters.
I never work without my two enthusiastic children, Maddy and Belle, by my side. Maddy is our tell-it-like-it-is younger child while Belle is our sweet and easy going first born. Together their opposite, yet complimentary, ideas craft the most perfect of meal options. They've been working with me in the kitchen since they were teeny tots, whether sitting in a highchair watching me cook or standing on their stool helping to prep and arrange ingredients!
The three of us together delight in crafting innovative and delicious meals that are sure to captivate your kids' taste buds and spark their culinary curiosity. So join us on this food obsessed journey, where every dish is a labor of love!
We Love Cooking!
Our mission is clear: delivering delightful and delicious recipes that captivate the palates of children everywhere. We curate recipes that ignite joy and excitement in kiddos. Our recipes cater to all, from the discerning eaters who shy away from vegetables to the adventurous who are eager to explore new flavors. Join us on a culinary journey where taste meets fun, and every dish is crafted with a passion to delight even the most selective young diners.
Follow my business profile on LinkedIn for the latest updates in the world of food blogging and content creation. Happy reading!
Questions or comments about a recipe?
We love answering your questions! The best place to provide feedback or ask questions about recipes is on the posts themselves. This way, everyone can see your comments and benefit from them. Readers also love answering questions to help each other out!
We include nutritional information in the recipe cards, but these are generated automatically by a program. Values may not be 100% accurate and can vary. If you have questions about the health or nutrition information in a recipe, please fill out the comment form at the end of the post.
Question about something else?
Please email us at kristina {at} myminichefs {dot} com. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
Collaborations: Let's chat if you're interested in working together! Shoot us an email at the address above and I will be happy to pass along a media kit. Note: We do not accept unpaid work for exposure.
Guest Posts: We do not accept unsolicited guest posts nor will we insert links on the blog for you.
Advertising: We are currently not interested in advertising. Please do not contact us about your ad agency.